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Bible-Based Homeschooling

For years I googled things like “Bible-Based Homeschooling” and “How to Use the Bible As Your Primary Textbook”. My searches always came up empty. I seemed to cycle back to the same resources I already knew and used. They’re not bad resources, but many of them are expensive and I was looking for more.

I had what I like to call Holy Discontentment. I wanted to homeschool in a way that saturated every part of our day with God’s Word! My primary motivation for homeschooling, after all, is the Truth we get to instill in our children.

I started asking questions. Why do we teach our kids fables instead of parables? Jesus told stories, why not use those to teach?? Why do we memorize cute poems when we could memorize Psalms? Why do we simply take the world’s methods, pull the mention of evolution out, slap God in a couple of the stories, and call it Christian?

A few years of these thoughts, praying and suggesting to other people that they ought to make what I wanted to use and That It May Go Well was born. It is a project the Lord pursued me with years before I ever had a website or a thought to write. Certainly long before I dared to try! I believe this curriculum is a work in progress, something that will hopefully be added to over the next few years. I anticipate it growing with our family. Truth be told, our kids are the motivating factor behind it. When I finally said, “Yes” to God’s nudges to write a curriculum I said, “Ok, I’ll write OUR curriculum.” And somewhere in there, I knew I had to write it in such a way that I could share it with you!

If you’ve homeschooled for a long, or even just googled homeschooling, you’ve likely come across alllllll the philosophies. I honestly appreciate the people who can confidently choose a method and give it 110%, pouring it into their children. As I read and looked at many ideas I couldn’t settle. I love the idea of living books, most of all that the Bible is THE LIVING BOOK. I like the idea of limiting technology, but I also recognize the need to responsibly use and vet technology. How about handicrafts?! Yes please, less clutter because of fewer useless, time-wasting projects. Sign us up! We don’t enjoy boring textbooks and neither do our kids. But, I also am not a total free spirit…In fact, I probably thrive on structure, as does our oldest child. The thought of abandoning all structure seemed like a free-for-all. (And the truth is, it probably would be here around here!)

All of these thoughts influenced the way That It May Go Well is written. It is a well-thought-out program, designed to be used easily when you’re homeschooling multiple children at one time. It is truly a Holy Spirit-led and accomplished project. I encourage you to check it out! There are pages, ideas, and worksheets that may be helpful for you even if you use another curriculum currently.

The Teacher Guide has a Bible plan, Bible verses, and many questions. It would be great to consider as your Bible program added to what you already use. Within the student guides are writing assignments you may find useful if you homeschool using living books. There are many science worksheets, Bible verse writing assignments, and printables within the student guides. Even if you’re not ready to commit to using this full time I suggest downloading it if you homeschool. That It May Go Well is completely free to download and always will be!

Most of all, I hope this curriculum will inspire you to question your child’s education. I hope you will question what we teach, how your children learn best, how Jesus taught, and why education looks the way that it does. I hope it will give you courage to toss the fables in favor of parables. I hope it will give you the courage to toss the history of the gods of the nations in favor of the history of the one true God of creation. I hope it will give you courage to say that our kids don’t need things to uselessly waste their time. I hope it will give you courage to teach everything from a Biblical world view. I hope it will give you the courage to say that there is only one way, one truth, one life- Jesus! If we don’t boldly teach our children, the brazen world will. Look at the small minority of flamboyant people who have turned our entire culture towards sin. What if you and I stood up, spoke up, and refused to shut up? Greater is He who is with us than he who is with them!

Have the courage to teach your children absolute truth without compromise. That is where true love and life is found!

“Your Word is lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105

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31 gru 2023

Bless you! I have been looking for a curriculum that takes out all the noise. With a singular focus. You probably have some idea of what a blessing this is, but truly this is what I have been praying for. I will be sharing this with others in the homeschooling community, this needs to be seen Everywhere. I pray that you continue adding more grades because I absolutely love this curriculum and the way it is laid out. May God continue to bless you and your family. Thank you for continued work of this curriculum.

Odpowiada osobie:

Hey Stormy, thank you so much for this sweet encouragement! I am so sorry I am just responding but I really appreciate it! To God be all the glory!


I've been struggling to teach a third grader and a new kindergartener this year. Also, I am expecting our third child in October, and wasn't sure how I was going to juggle the schoolwork with the arrival of the new baby. I really love that the curriculum points everything towards the Creator and that it can be done together. We are going to start on Tuesday this week. Thank you for creating this. It is exactly what I have been looking for.

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