My links won't open. What do I do now?
If you have "purchased" any of our free books and your links won't work check to ensure you don't have pop-ups blocked. The links are immediately available after download and they are also emailed to you with links that are good for 30 days. If your links do not work after this, we invite you to try your download again since all of our books are free to download!
My links expired. Will you send them again?
Since all of our downloads are free we ask that you "purchase" your books again.
The videos are taking a long time to load/won't load. What should I do?
We've encountered this ourselves- sorry! If the videos say they are unavailable or they won't load we have had success with exiting the "day" an reopening. The majority of the time the video works after this. We know this is inconvenient. If it seems to be a continuing issue, especially one we encounter with our paid videos, we will work to address it with our service provider.
Will you add more grades to That It May Go Well?
At this time, we don't know for sure. We would love for this to grow with our family but also feel like the Lord will have to tremendously provide. (He already has in so many ways as we've walked with Him and given Him our yes for this project!)
I found an error in one of your books.
Oops, sorry! Feel free to send us a message with the details through our contact form at the bottom of our website!
Video-Led Homeschooling
When will the videos be ready?
Lord willing, preschool will launch the beginning of 2024. We hope that our first year of K-5TH will launch later in 2024. Since we are pioneering this program we hesitate to give dates :)
Are the videos free?
All of our books are free and always will be, including the books that go with our videos. The videos themselves are available for purchase. Preschool: $150 for lifetime access K-5TH: TBA
I have the original preschool book. Will it work with the videos?
Yes! The books are nearly the same. The Rainbow preschool book has some parent information omitted and prompts to watch the videos. The video program follows the same format and has the same memory verses. If you wish to use the videos with your child it will simply save you some routine memory work with them and expand the Bible lessons and other information introduced.
Free, Parent-Led Homeschooling
How do the Cycles work?
The cycles were designed to use twice throughout your child's elementary school years. As we have continued to follow God's leading on this project, He expanded our vision to include videos. Because of the expansion, our video-led program is now what we formerly were calling cycle 3. If you use the first two cycles and plan to continue with TMGW know that our upcoming student workbooks will still be entirely free. As we've work on TMGW it was like a series of rooms we were "walking" into. When we stepped into the third "room" we expected it to look like the first two. We expected the journey to be nearly complete. Instead, it suddenly opened up to an entirely expanded, beautiful space we believe the Lord is calling us to walk into!
When will Cycle 3 be ready?
If you didn't read the answer to "How of the Cycles work?" you may want to read that! The sort answer is...when the videos are ready! The Student Guides will be free, we don't anticipate that there will be a Teacher's Guide, the videos take the place of the Teacher's Guide.
What books will I need to go with TMGW?
You can find the books we personally use to go with TMGW here! We use a Bible (of course!), an atlas (world for cycle 1, USA for cycle 2), YWAM Publishing books for our historical reading. If you want to shop them through this link we earn a small commission and you don' pay extra! Thanks! ahttps://www.amazon.com/shop/lampandlightliving?ref=ac_inf_tb_vh
More questions? In this video we answer some of our most asked questions about our free curriculum.

Note: you will need both the teacher guide and a grade level appropriate student workbook for your child(ren)
That It May Go Well is a completely free Christian homeschool curriculum for Preschool-5th grade. It is a family-style curriculum, geared toward homeschooling multiple children. (Although it also works well for one child!) What makes That It May Go Well unique? It is truly Bible-based. The goal of this curriculum is a complete foundation on God's Word and not just a Christian worldview. It is a hybrid approach combining unit studies, living books, Creation/outdoor studies, and a responsible use of technology. As a mom of four, I needed a curriculum that offered some structure but was also based firmly on the Bible. This is a homeschool mom authored; mom created curriculum with your family in mind. The goal is raising arrows who will love Jesus and desire to share Him with the world while still maintaining strong academic standards.