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Lamp & Light Living

That It May Go Well- Information and FAQ

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Hello, fellow homeschool families!

Thank you for your questions and interest in "That It May Go Well." Our family just completed our first year using it, and it was such a joy! It is an honor to be able to share this with you and I wanted to answer some of the commonly asked questions I receive.

One encouragement I want to offer:

If you are using the curriculum without the teacher’s guide please consider downloading it. You will find it is much different than a standard teacher’s guide, and it is really needed to make for an all-in-one program. The teacher’s guide is the bread and butter of this curriculum and where the Biblical value/Bible memory/worship time/Bible readings are found.

Here are answers to some questions we receive frequently about "That It May Go Well."


Is this a one-year curriculum we use over and over?


Lord willing, this will be a three-year cycle that I intend to use twice in our children’s elementary years. My hope and prayer is that all three cycles will be completed for K-5th by the end of 2024. The teacher’s guide for each year should be saved and may be used again, while student workbooks are consumable and you will need one at the grade level of each child you are homeschooling that matches the corresponding cycle you are working through.


Do you sell printed copies?


Yes! By the beginning of 2024 the preschool workbook and cycles 1 and 2 should be available to purchase through Amazon. This is the most affordable printing I have found. I am sorry I am unable to ship directly and cannot accept returns. We do not profit from the sale of the printed books. We offer this option simply as a service to you. The prices of the books range based on the lowest cost that Amazon will allow me to offer them.

I have heard other homeschool families have been able to take similar books to Office Depot and have the spine cut off and the book spiral bound. You may want to consider that for the Student Workbooks as it makes work pages and writing easier.

My encouragement to you on printing if purchasing isn't an option:

If your children are enrolled where you receive allotment funds consider how you can utilize those in printing this. You are not actually paying for any Christian content so you would simply be using funding for printing services or ink/paper/spiral binding. See if your school system can work with you to reimburse you!


What denomination is the curriculum?


We are not affiliated with any denomination. We love the Lord and believe that Jesus is the Messiah. "That It May Go Well" is written with value for both the Old Testament and the New Testament. We try to stick with Scripture and validate all lessons from the Bible. Each cycle has been/will be written to help you teach your children to be Biblically literate, hide God’s Word in their hearts, live a kingdom-first lifestyle, actively share the Gospel, and be able to defend the faith. We believe that all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting, and training in righteousness. While the New Testament was being written, the Old Testament was the Scriptures that they had and searched to find out if the things spoken about Jesus were true. We believe there is immense value in knowing both and understanding the story of Scripture from beginning to end, from Genesis to Revelation.

As always, we welcome you to make this fit for your family. If there is something within the curriculum that your family disagrees with I encourage you to teach your child, from the Bible, what you see differently. Over the years there were many times I had to pause in resources we used and explain to our children, from the Bible, why this wasn’t exactly the way we believe. Because humans are fallible and I believe that you are the best one to educate your child, I welcome you to use what is supplied in "That It May Go Well" and omit anything that doesn’t line up with what you believe.

In closing, I want to give all glory to God for "That It May Go Well." It is truly a work He called me to and is not possible without Him. I am a mom who is doing my best to equip our children and to assist you in training your children in the way they should go. I have spent hours pouring over educational information and resources to make this curriculum useful and well-rounded. I would appreciate your prayers for our family as we continue to develop this curriculum and look forward to welcoming our fourth child this summer. As a free resource, there is not a large team of people behind this project. I do the writing and my husband supports our family and assists in editing and feedback. The Lord has graciously surrounded us with a community of believers who pray for us and are an encouragement.

If you have a question that you would like answered and feel that it would be a useful addition to this article please email:

Download "That It May Go Well" here:

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29 commentaires

Katie Dooley
Katie Dooley
25 août 2024

Also looking for the Nature Letter Chart. I don't see it in the guide or the prek curriculum

18 sept. 2024
En réponse à

Did you find it?


Liya D.
Liya D.
26 juil. 2024

Where do I find the Nature Letter Chart?


Mayhem& Mercy
Mayhem& Mercy
19 juil. 2024

Hello! Getting ready to order and so I'm wondering can you renew the Kindergarten workbook on Amazon? I have downloaded it and printed some of it but would love to have the bound workbook if possible so that we all feel cohesive and sturdy enough for boys! Thanks!



Christina Setzer
Christina Setzer
06 mai 2024

This was shared in a Facebook group I am in and it looks so great. I just wanted to thank you for being generous with your creativity in making it free. I'm going to be doing the prek with my second youngest and cycle 2 with my older kids. I did purchase masterbooks LA already for all my kids so I plan to use this as a morning basket lesson time together before individual grade level LA and math. I really love that it is fully biblically based.

En réponse à

Hey Christina,

Thank you so much! It is always fun to hear how people found That It May Go Well and we really appreciate it! I hope that it's a blessing to you and your family, to God be all of the glory!

In Christ,



24 mars 2024


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